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old calendar

  • 1 Old Style

    1) Religion: O.S.
    2) Abbreviation: O.S. (Julian calendar), OS

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Old Style

  • 2 SUMAR

    * * *
    (dat. sumri, pl. sumur), n. summer; um sumarit, in the course of the summer, during the summer; at sumri, next summer; mitt s., midsummer; í s., this summer.
    * * *
    n., dat. sumri; pl. sumur; sumra, sumrum; in the old language this word was masculine in the form sumarr, of which gender a trace may still be seen in the contracted forms sumri, sumra, sumrum, for a genuine neuter does not admit these contractions. But there remains a single instance of the actual use of the masculine in the rhyme of a verse of the beginning of the 11th century, sumar hv ern frekum erni, Skálda,—from which one might infer that at that time the word was still masc.; if so, it is not likely that in a poem so old as the Vsp. it would be neuter, and ‘sumur’ in ‘of sumur eptir’ perhaps ought to be corrected ‘sumra’ or ‘sumar’ (acc. sing.); as also ‘varmt sumar’ should be ‘varmr sumarr,’ Vþm. 26: [A. S. sumar; a word common to all Teut. languages; in the Orm. sumerr, denoting a long u; the mod. Dan., Germ., and Engl. have sommer, summer, with a double m]:—a summer, passim.
    II. mythical, Sumarr, the son of Svásað, Edda 13.
    B. CHRONOLOGICAL REMARKS.—The old Northmen, like the Icel. of the present time, divided the year into two halves, summer and winter; the summer began on the Thursday next before the 16th of April in the old calendar, which answers to the 26th of the Gregorian calendar (used in Icel. since A. D. 1700). The Northern and Icelandic summer is therefore a fixed term in the calendar, and consists of 184 days, viz. six months of thirty days, plus four days, called aukanætr (‘eke-nights’). Summer is divided into two halves, each of three months (= ninety days), before and after midsummer (mið-sumar); and the four ‘eke-nights’ are every summer intercalated immediately before midsummer: thus in the Icel. Almanack of 1872—Sumar-dagr fyrsti, or the first summer-day, falls on Thursday the 25th of April; Auka-nætr from the 24th to the 27th of July; Mið-sumar on the 28th of July; Sumar-dagr síðasti, or the last day of summer, on the 25th of October; cp. sumar-nátt siðasta, Gísl. 67. In mod. usage the time from April to October is counted by the summer weeks, the first, second, … twentieth … week of the summer, and in Icel. Almanacks every Thursday during summer is marked by the running number of the week. The ancients, too, counted the summer by weeks, but only down to midsummer, thus, tíu vikur skulu vera af sumri er menn koma til alþingis, K. Þ. K. 166; but in the latter part of the summer they counted either by the weeks from midsummer or by the weeks still left of the summer, thus, hálfum mánaði eptir mitt sumar, Nj. 4; er átta vikur lifa sumars, Grág. i. 122; frá miðju sumri til vetrar, 147; er átta vikur eru til vetrar, Nj. 192; er tveir mánaðir vóru til vetrar, 195; líðr á sumarit til átta vikna, 93; ellipt., var Rútr heima til sex vikna (viz. sumars), 10.
    C. COMPDS: sumarauki, sumarávöxtr, sumarbjörg, sumarbók, sumarbú, sumarbær, sumardagr, sumarfang, sumarfullr, sumargamall, sumargjöf, sumarhagi, sumarherbergi, sumarhiti, sumarhluti, sumarhold, sumarhöll, sumarkaup, sumarlangt, sumarliði, sumarligr, sumarmagn, sumarmál, sumarnátt, sumarnætr, SumarPáskar, sumarsetr, sumarskeið, sumarstefna, sumarsöngr, sumartíð, sumartími, sumartungl, sumarverk, sumarviðr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SUMAR

  • 3 MÁNUÐR

    and mánaðr, m., mónoðr with umlaut, Íb. 376; gen. mánaðar, nom. acc. pl. mánuðr (like vetr); mod. mánuðir, acc. mánuði, which form occurs in vellums of the 15th century; thus, mánaði (acc. pl.), Bs. i. 825, 896; even mánuðu (acc. pl.), 837, Fb. i. 205: [from máni: cp. Ulf. mênoþs; A. S. mônað; Old Engl. moneth; Engl. month; O. H. G. mânod; Germ. monat; Dan. maaned; Swed. månad; Lat. mensis; Gr. μήν]:—a month; á mánaði, for a month, Hm. 73; mánuðr níu, Rm. 6, 18, 30, Hom. 127; mónoðr tólf þritög-náttar, Jb. 376; þrjá mánaðr þrjátigu nátta, K. Þ. K. 164, Fms. ix. 239; aðra tvá mánoðr, Grág. ii. 261; tveir mánaðr, i. 420; sjau mánaðr, fimm mánaðr, ii. 393: tólf mánuðr, a twelvemonth, year; á hverjum tólf mánuðum, every twelvemonth, Hom. 149; ok hann hefir tólf mánuðr at gjöldum eðr handsölum, Grág. i. 196; halda þær tólf mánaðr þaðan frá er kona var föstnuð, 378; hvárt þat var af hinum tuttugustum tólf mánuðum, the twentieth year, Grett. 173 new Ed.; kaupa þeir nú enn saman um tólf mánuðr, Fb. ii. 124. The old heathen year consisted of twelve months, each of thirty days, so that a pentad (fimmt) added to that number made the year complete. For the names of the economical months see Edda 103 (gor-m., frer-m., hrút-m., ein-m., sól-m., and sel-m., kornskurðar-m.); tví-mánaðr (q. v.), the ‘double month;’ út-mánuðir, the last months of the winter (of Þorri, Gói, Ein-mánuðr), það er komið fram á út-mánuði; see also the Icel. Almanack, where the old months are still marked. Of the Julian Calendar we have Martius mánaðar, 623. 37, Rb. passim; but that computation never came into household use in Iceland, where the old calendar (of Þorri, Gói, Ein-m., etc.) still prevails for all domestic affairs: astron., tungl-m., a lunar month; sól-m., a solar month. In popular usage, as elsewhere, a month often means four weeks, and hálfr mánuðr, half a month = a fortnight; hálfum mánaði eptir mitt sumar, Nj. 4; á hálfs mánaðar fresti, within half a month, a fortnight, Fms. x. 411; á hálfum mánaði, Grág. i. 152.
    COMPDS: mánaðarbeit, mánaðardagr, mánaðarfrest, mánaðarmata, mánaðamót, mánaðarrekstr, mánaðarró, mánaðarstefna, mánaðartal, mánaðartími.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > MÁNUÐR

  • 4 старый стиль

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > старый стиль

  • 5 старостильный

    Church: old calendar

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > старостильный

  • 6 Þorri

    m. the fourth winter month, the first after midwinter.
    * * *
    a, m. [perh. from þverra þorrinn = the month of the waning or ‘ebbing’ winter]:—the name of the fourth winter month, the first after mid-winter; of thirty days, beginning on a Friday and ending on a Saturday inclusively; in the old calendar Þorri is entered as beginning between the 9th and 16th of Jan., and the next month, Góe (q. v.), between the 8th and 15th of Feb., see H. E. i. 595; but in the new style, in Icel. Almanack, the first day of Thorri, 1873, is Friday, Jan. 24, and the last, Saturday, Feb. 22; mið-þorri, the middle of the month Th., Edda 103, Grág. ii. 306, Rb. 46, Landn. 324: the name of this month is still the common term in Icel., the names of Jan. and Feb. being almost unknown in Icelandic country life; Þorra-dægrin þykja löng | þegar hann blæs á norðan, a ditty, see Gói. For the mythical origin of this month, see Orkn. (begin.) and Fb. i. 21, 22.
    COMPDS: Þorrablót, Þorrakyrrur, Þorramánuðr, Þorraþræll.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Þorri

  • 7 календар

    calendar; almanac
    календар-бележник diary; engagement book
    * * *
    м., -и, (два) календа̀ра calendar; almanac; \календар бележник diary; engagement book; \календар по стария стил old-style calendar; църковен \календар calendar of saints.
    * * *
    almanac; calendar: Look at the календар and tell me what day is today? - Погледни към календара и ми кажи какъв ден сме днес?
    * * *
    1. calendar;almanac 2. КАЛЕНДАР-бележник diary; engagement book

    Български-английски речник > календар

  • 8 anno

    m year
    buon anno! Happy New Year!
    anno finanziario financial year
    anno scolastico school year
    quanti anni hai? how old are you?
    ho 33 anni I'm 33 (years old)
    * * *
    anno s.m.
    1 year: l'anno scorso, last year; l'anno prossimo, venturo, next year; l'anno che viene, the year to come; un anno dopo l'altro, year in year out (o year after year o year by year); di anno in anno, from year to year; col passare degli anni, as years go, went by; due volte all'anno, twice a year; durante tutto l'anno, all year round; per molti anni di fila, for many years on end; per un certo numero di anni, for some years; tutti gli anni, every year; in capo a un anno sarà ministro, before the end of the year (o the year is out) he will be a minister // anno bisestile, leap year; anno scolastico, school year; anno accademico, academic year; anno civile, civil (o calendar) year; anno giuridico, legal year; anno finanziario, financial year; l'anno in corso, the current year // (agr.) anno agricolo, farmer's year // (astr.): anno anomalistico, periodico, anomalistic year; anno luce, light year; anno solare, calendar year // (eccl.) Anno Santo, Holy (o Jubilee) Year // gli anni '20, '30 ecc., the twenties, thirties ecc. // quest'anno è l'anno internazionale della donna, this year is international women's year // i migliori anni della nostra vita, the best years of our lives; nel fiore degli anni, in the prime of life; gli anni verdi, early years // studente del terzo anno, student in his third year // è stato un anno a novembre, it was a year last November; sarà un anno a ottobre, it will be a year in (o next) October // carico di anni, advanced in age; essere avanti negli anni, to be on in years; finire, compiere gli anni, to have one's birthday; levarsi gli anni, to knock a few years off one's age; portare bene gli anni, not to look one's age // aspettare l'anno nuovo, to see the New Year in; augurare a qlcu. Buon Anno, to wish s.o. a happy New Year; anno nuovo vita nuova, a new year brings a fresh start
    2 ( periodo di tempo lungo e indeterminato) a long time: cent'anni, mill'anni, a very long (o undefined) time; sono cent'anni che non vi vedo, I have not seen you for years and years (o for such a long time), (fam.) I haven't seen you for a month of Sundays (o it is donkey's years since I saw you o I haven't seen you for donkey's years); è un anno che lo aspetto, I have been waiting for him a long time (o for ages)
    3 ( nelle indicazioni di età): di età tra i tredici e i diciannove anni, teenage (attr.); ragazzo tra i tredici e i diciannove anni, teenager (o teenage boy); essere tra i tredici e i diciannove anni, to be in one's teens; poteva essere tra i quaranta e i cinquant'anni, he could have been any age between forty and fifty; ''Quanti anni hai?'' ''Ho vent'anni'', ''How old are you?'' ''I am twenty (years old)''; avere poco più di trent'anni, to be in one's early thirties; essere nel tredicesimo anno, to be in one's thirteenth year; un bambino di sette anni, a child of seven (o a seven-year-old child).
    * * *
    1. sm
    1) year

    anno per o dopo anno — year after year

    sono anni che non ti vedo — it's been ages since I last saw you, I haven't seen you for ages o years

    correva l'anno di grazia... — it was in the year of grace...

    gli anni di piombo — the Seventies in Italy, a time of terrorist outrages


    (età) quanti anni hai? — ho 40 anni — how old are you? — I'm 40

    * * *
    ['anno] 1.
    sostantivo maschile

    l'anno corrente o in corso the current year; quest'anno this year; l'anno prossimo o venturo next year; l'anno scorso o passato last year; di anno in anno year by year; due -i fa two years ago; da qui a un anno between now and next year; nel corso degli -i over the years; nel corso dell'anno during the year; tutto l'anno all (the) year round; nell'anno di grazia 1604 in the year of our Lord 1604; guadagnare 20.000 sterline l'anno to earn Ј 20,000 a year; il primo, l'ultimo dell'anno New Year's (Day), New Year's Eve; buon anno! felice anno nuovo! — Happy New Year!

    "quanti -i hai?" - "ho vent'-i" — "how old are you?" - "I'm twenty years old"

    un ragazzo di sedici -i — a sixteen-year(-old) boy, a boy of sixteen

    essere avanti o in là negli -i to be advanced in years; portare bene gli -i to look good for one's age; sentire il peso degli -i to feel one's age; migliorare con gli -i — to improve with age

    3) scol. univ.

    studente del primo anno — first year student, fresher BE, freshman AE

    sostantivo maschile plurale anni (epoca)

    anno finanziariofiscal o financial BE year

    anno solaresolar o calendar year

    * * *
    /'anno/ ⇒ 19, 8
    I sostantivo m.
     1 (periodo di 12 mesi) year; l'anno corrente o in corso the current year; quest'anno this year; l'anno prossimo o venturo next year; l'anno scorso o passato last year; di anno in anno year by year; due -i fa two years ago; da qui a un anno between now and next year; nel corso degli -i over the years; nel corso dell'anno during the year; tutto l'anno all (the) year round; nell'anno di grazia 1604 in the year of our Lord 1604; guadagnare 20.000 sterline l'anno to earn £ 20,000 a year; il primo, l'ultimo dell'anno New Year's (Day), New Year's Eve; buon anno! felice anno nuovo! Happy New Year!
     2 (di età) "quanti -i hai?" - "ho vent'-i" "how old are you?" - "I'm twenty years old"; un ragazzo di sedici -i a sixteen-year(-old) boy, a boy of sixteen; essere avanti o in là negli -i to be advanced in years; portare bene gli -i to look good for one's age; sentire il peso degli -i to feel one's age; migliorare con gli -i to improve with age
     3 scol. univ. essere all'ultimo anno (della scuola elementare) to be in the top class (at primary school); studente del primo anno first year student, fresher BE, freshman AE
    II anni m.pl.
      (epoca) gli -i '80 the eighties
    anno accademico academic year; anno bisestile leap year; anno civile calendar year; anno finanziario fiscal o financial BE year; anno giudiziario legal year; anno liturgico ecclesiastical year; anno luce light year; anno santo Holy Year; anno scolastico school year; anno solare solar o calendar year.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > anno

  • 9 mes

    1 month.
    al o por mes a month
    2 monthly salary (salario).
    * * *
    1 month
    ¿cuánto ganas al mes? how much do you earn a month?
    2 (mensualidad - que cobrar) monthly salary; (- que pagar) monthly instalment (US installment)
    estar con el mes familiar to have one's period
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    mes civil calendar month
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *

    el mes que viene, el mes próximo — next month

    2) (=sueldo) month's pay; (=renta) month's rent; (=pago) monthly payment
    3) (Med)

    estar con o tener el mes — to have one's period

    * * *
    masculino month

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    ¿cuánto pagas al mes? — how much do you pay a month?

    * * *
    = month.
    Ex. For example, in a normal indexing service all the documents listed in the issue for a specific month will have been published in the last year or so.
    * al mes = per month.
    * cada seis meses = six-monthly.
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de nueve meses = nine-month.
    * de seis meses = six-monthly.
    * de un mes de duración = month-long.
    * durante los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.
    * durante meses y meses = for months on end.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * en los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.
    * en los últimos meses = in recent months.
    * llegar a final de mes = make + ends meet.
    * mes a mes = month by month.
    * mes civil = calendar month.
    * mes del calendario = calendar month.
    * meses del invierno = winter months.
    * meses del verano = summer months.
    * mes natural = calendar month.
    * mes próximo, el = next month, next month.
    * mes que viene, el = next month.
    * mes tras mes = month by month.
    * por mes = per month.
    * una vez al mes = once a month.
    * * *
    masculino month

    el mes pasado/que viene — last/next month

    ¿cuánto pagas al mes? — how much do you pay a month?

    * * *

    Ex: For example, in a normal indexing service all the documents listed in the issue for a specific month will have been published in the last year or so.

    * al mes = per month.
    * cada seis meses = six-monthly.
    * de cinco meses de duración = five-month-long.
    * de nueve meses = nine-month.
    * de seis meses = six-monthly.
    * de un mes de duración = month-long.
    * durante los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.
    * durante meses y meses = for months on end.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * el mes pasado = last month.
    * en los dos últimos meses = over the last couple of months.
    * en los últimos meses = in recent months.
    * llegar a final de mes = make + ends meet.
    * mes a mes = month by month.
    * mes civil = calendar month.
    * mes del calendario = calendar month.
    * meses del invierno = winter months.
    * meses del verano = summer months.
    * mes natural = calendar month.
    * mes próximo, el = next month, next month.
    * mes que viene, el = next month.
    * mes tras mes = month by month.
    * por mes = per month.
    * una vez al mes = once a month.

    * * *
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month
    una vez al mes once a month
    ¿cuánto pagas al mes de alquiler? how much rent do you pay a month?, how much is your monthly rent?
    durante los meses de verano during the summer months
    a principios de mes at the beginning of the month
    tiene siete meses he's seven months old
    está embarazada de tres meses she's three months pregnant
    nos deben dos meses they owe us two months' rent ( o pay etc)
    estar con el mes to be having one's period
    ( Relig):
    * * *


    mes sustantivo masculino
    el mes pasado/que viene last/next month;

    una vez al mes once a month;
    tiene siete meses he's seven months old;
    nos deben dos meses they owe us two months' rent (o pay etc)
    mes sustantivo masculino
    1 (tiempo) month: su mujer está de siete meses, his wife is seven months pregnant
    dentro de dos meses, in two month's time
    durante el mes de abril, during April
    el mes próximo, next month
    2 (sueldo) monthly salary o wages pl
    (pago) monthly payment
    3 fam (menstruación) period

    ' mes' also found in these entries:
    - aparecer
    - curso
    - devengar
    - dos
    - entrar
    - fecha
    - inspección
    - julio
    - nacer
    - tanta
    - tanto
    - tirarse
    - última
    - último
    - una
    - uno
    - antelación
    - anticipación
    - aún
    - ayer
    - bimensual
    - cobrar
    - corriente
    - de
    - durante
    - el
    - enero
    - fin
    - gasto
    - ir
    - limpio
    - mediados
    - plazo
    - por
    - presente
    - saber
    - ser
    - tardar
    - arrears
    - bankrupt
    - bash out
    - best
    - bring in
    - calendar
    - discouraging
    - end
    - grace
    - lighten
    - mess
    - message
    - messenger
    - Messrs
    - messy
    - month
    - monthly
    - notice
    - operational
    - probation
    - prorate
    - provided
    - second
    - see out
    - so
    - time
    - whole
    - within
    - about
    - first
    - out
    - over
    - payable
    - schedule
    - start
    - struggle
    - supply
    - tide
    - will
    - work
    * * *
    mes nm
    1. [del año] month;
    se va unos meses de vacaciones she's going away on Br holiday o US vacation for a few months;
    las elecciones se celebrarán en el mes de enero the election will take place in January;
    al mes siguiente the following month;
    a los pocos meses only a few months later;
    todos los meses every month;
    un mes sí y otro no every other month;
    no ha parado de llover en todo el (santo) mes it hasn't stopped raining all month (long);
    al o [m5] por mes a month;
    viajo a Lima tres veces al o [m5] por mes I go to Lima three times a month
    2. [salario] monthly salary
    3. Fam [menstruación]
    está con el mes it's her time of the month
    * * *
    m month;
    en el mes de mayo in the month of May;
    al mes de haber llegado a month after she arrived
    * * *
    mes nm
    : month
    * * *
    mes n month

    Spanish-English dictionary > mes

  • 10 стар

    1. old
    (минал) past; former
    (за паметник, ръкопис, култура и пр.) ancient; of an early date
    (за приятелство и пр.) of long standing
    най- старият между нас the oldest/eldest among us
    на стари години in o.'s old age
    връщам се към старите си навици fall back into o.'s old ways/habits
    стар хляб stale bread
    стар и новини stale news
    стар виц разг. chestnut, sl. a corny joke
    стар брой a back issue/number
    стара дата a back date
    в старо време in ancient times; in olden days, in the old days, in the days of old
    доброто старо време the good old days
    човек от старото време old-timer
    от стар ата школа of the old school
    2. (отживял) out of date, outdated, old-fashioned
    3. (извехтял) old, worn out, left-off, ( даден от друг) hand-me-down
    4. (бивш) former
    5. като същ.
    старият the old man
    старата the old woman
    старите (хора) the old folks
    старо и младо young and old (alike)
    старият завет/свят вж. завет, свят
    стар ерген an old bachelor
    стара мома an old maid, spinster
    стара майка grandmother, granny
    стар стил old style, Julian calendar
    стар вълк вж. вълк
    от стара коза яре вж. коза
    стар майстор an old hand, ( в изкуството) an old master
    стар боб/фасул haricot/dry beans
    старата песен вж. песен
    на старо second hand
    старо-харо a wicked old man
    старият Иванов (бащата, не синът) Ivanov senior
    * * *
    1. old; ( древен) ancient; ( минал) past; former; (за паметник, ръкопис, култура и пр.) ancient; of an early date; (за приятелство и пр.) of long standing; доброто \старо време the good old days; най-\стар oldest, (за член от същото семейство) eldest; от \старата школа of the old school; по-\стар older, (за член от същото семейство) elder; \стар брой back issue/number; \стар виц разг. chestnut, sl. corny joke; \стар хляб stale bread; човек от \старото време old-timer;
    2. ( отживял) out of date, outdated, old-fashioned;
    3. ( извехтял) old, worn out, left-off, ( даден от друг) hand-me-down;
    4. ( бивш) former;
    5. като същ.: \старият the old man; • на \старо second hand; \стар ерген old bachelor; \стар майстор old hand, (в изкуството) an old master; \стар стил old style, Julian calendar; \стара мома old maid, spinster.
    * * *
    old: стар maid - стара мома, the good стар days - доброто старо време; aged ; antique (античен); ancient (древен); past (минал); archaic ; moth-eaten ; old-standing (отживял)
    * * *
    1. (бивш) former 2. (древен) ancient 3. (за паметник, ръкопис, култура и пр.) ancient;of an early date 4. (за приятелство и пр.) of long standing 5. (извехтял) old, worn out, left-off, (даден от друг) hand-me-down 6. (минал) past;former 7. (отживял) out of date, outdated, old-fashioned 8. old 9. СТАР боб/фасул haricot/dry beans 10. СТАР брой a back issue/number 11. СТАР виц разг. chestnut, sl. a corny joke 12. СТАР вълк вж. вълк 13. СТАР ерген an old bachelor 14. СТАР и новини stale news 15. СТАР майстор an old hand, (в изкуството) an old master 16. СТАР стил old style, Julian calendar 17. СТАР хляб stale bread 18. СТАРa дата a back date 19. СТАРa майка grandmother, granny 20. СТАРa мома an old maid, spinster 21. СТАРo и младо young and old (alike) 22. СТАРo-xapo a wicked old man 23. СТАРата the old woman 24. СТАРата песен вж. песен 25. СТАРите (хора) the old folks 26. СТАРият Иванов (бащата, не синът) Ivanov senior 27. СТАРият завет/свят вж. завет, свят 28. в СТАРо време in ancient times;in olden days, in the old days, in the days of old 29. връщам се къмСТАРите си навици fall back into o.'s old ways/ habits 30. доброто СТАРо време the good old days 31. като същ.: СТАРият the old man 32. нaСТАРи гoдини in o.'s old age 33. на СТАРо second hand 34. най-СТАР oldest, (за член от същото семейство) eldest 35. най-СТАРият между нас the oldest/eldest among us 36. от СТАР ата школа of the old school 37. от СТАРа коза яре вж. коза 38. пo-СТАР older, (за член от същото семейство) elder 39. човек от СТАРото време old-timer

    Български-английски речник > стар

  • 11 año

    * * *
    1 anus
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) year
    - Año Nuevo
    - tener cinco años
    - tener años
    * * *
    SM anus
    * * *
    masculino anus
    * * *
    = year, grade.
    Ex. Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex. Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.
    * 365 días al año = year-round.
    * a años luz de = light years away from.
    * al año = per annum, per year.
    * algunos años más tarde = some years on.
    * alumno de cuarto año = fourth grader.
    * alumno de primer año = first grader.
    * alumno de quinto año = fifth grader.
    * alumno de segundo año = second grader.
    * alumno de séptimo año = seventh grader.
    * alumno de sexto año = sixth grader.
    * alumno de tercer año = third grader.
    * alumno de un año = grader.
    * a medida que + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * anormal para la época del año = unseasonably.
    * año a año = year by year.
    * año académico = academic year, school year.
    * año anterior, el = past year, the.
    * año bisiesto = leap year.
    * año civil = calendar year.
    * año contable = accounting year.
    * año del calendario = calendar year.
    * año de trabajo = man year.
    * año económico = financial year.
    * año entrante, el = coming year, the.
    * año escolar = school year.
    * año financiero = financial year.
    * año fiscal = fiscal year, business year, accounting year, tax year.
    * año luz = light year.
    * año maravilloso = annus mirabilis.
    * año natural = calendar year.
    * Año Nuevo = New Year.
    * año pasado, el = last year.
    * año próximo = next year, following year.
    * año próximo, el = coming year, the.
    * año que viene = next year, following year.
    * año sabático = gap year.
    * años anteriores = earlier years.
    * años de antigüedad = length of service.
    * años de entreguerras = inter-war years.
    * años de posguerra, los = post-war years, the.
    * años de vacas flacas = lean years.
    * año siguiente = next year, following year.
    * años sesenta, los = sixties, the.
    * años veinte, los = twenties, the.
    * años venideros, los = years ahead, the.
    * año terrestre = earth year.
    * año tras año = year after year, year by year, year in and year out.
    * a partir de ahora y + Cuantificador + algunos años = for + Cuantificador + years to come.
    * apto para mayores de 13 años o menores acompañados = PG-13.
    * atípico para la época del año = unseasonably.
    * a través de los años = over the years, down the years.
    * buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.
    * cada año = annually, on a yearly basis, year-on-year, yearly.
    * cada diez años = ten-yearly.
    * cada dos años = biennially.
    * cada pocos años = every few years.
    * chico o chica de trece años = thirteen-year-old.
    * con el paso de los años = with the passing of (the) years.
    * con el transcurso de los años = over the years, with the passing of (the) years.
    * conforme + avanzar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + transcurrir + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * con + Número + año(s) de antelación = Número + year(s) ahead.
    * con una antelación de un año = a year ahead of schedule.
    * crisis de los siete años = seven-year itch.
    * de acuerdo con la estación del año = seasonally.
    * de cinco años = five yearly [five-yearly].
    * de final de año = end-year.
    * de fin de año = end of the year.
    * de hace años = of years ago.
    * de hace muchos años = long-standing.
    * del año catapún = from the year dot.
    * del año de la nada = from the year dot.
    * del año de la pera = from the year dot.
    * del año de Maricastaña = from the year dot.
    * del año maricastaño = from the year dot.
    * de mediados de año = mid-year [midyear].
    * de mitad de año = mid-year [midyear].
    * dentro de unos años = in a few years' time.
    * dentro de unos cuantos años = in a few years' time.
    * de + Número + años de edad = aged + Número.
    * desde hace años = over the years, for years past, for years.
    * desde hace muchos años = for years.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * desde hace ya años = for years now.
    * de tercer año = third-year.
    * de trece años de edad = thirteen-year-old.
    * de un año a otro = from year to year, from one year to another, from one year to the next.
    * dos años = two-year period.
    * dos veces al año = twice yearly [twice-yearly], semiannual [semi-annual].
    * durante algunos años = for some years, over a period of years.
    * durante años = for years.
    * durante años y años = for years and years (and years).
    * durante casi todo el año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante el año pasado = over the past year.
    * durante el próximo año = over the next year.
    * durante el transcurso de muchos años = over many years.
    * durante el último año = over the last year.
    * durante la mayor parte del año = for the best part of the year.
    * durante los primeros años = during the early years.
    * durante los próximos años = for the next few years, over the next few years, during the next few years.
    * durante los últimos años = over the past few years, over recent years.
    * durante los últimos + Número + años = over the last + Número + years.
    * durante miles de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.
    * durante millones de años = for aeons and aeons, for aeons.
    * durante muchos años = for many years, for years to come, for many years to come, over many years, for years and years (and years).
    * durante varios años = for a number of years, for several years.
    * el año próximo = the year ahead.
    * en años anteriores = in prior years, in years past, in past years.
    * en + Cantidad + años = in + Cantidad + years' time.
    * en dos años = over a two-year period.
    * en el año catapún = in the dim and distant past.
    * en el año del Señor = in the year of our Lord.
    * en el año entrante = in the coming year.
    * en el año próximo = in the coming year.
    * en el año venidero = in the coming year.
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el próximo año = in the year ahead.
    * en el transcurso de algunos años = over a period of years.
    * en esta época del año = around this time of year.
    * en los años intermedios = in the intervening years.
    * en los años que siguieron = over the ensuing years.
    * en los primeros años de = early in.
    * en los primeros años de vida = early in life.
    * en los próximos años = in the next few years.
    * en los últimos años = in recent years, over the recent past, in the last few years.
    * en los últimos años de = in the last years of.
    * en sus años de apogeo = in + Posesivo + heyday.
    * en sus años de auge = in + Posesivo + heyday.
    * entrado en años = long in the tooth.
    * en unos años = within a few years, in a few years' time.
    * en unos cuantos años = within a few years, in a few years' time.
    * en unos pocos años = within a few years.
    * época del año = season.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estudiante de penúltimo año = junior student, junior.
    * estudiante de primer año = freshman [freshmen, -pl.], first-year student.
    * estudiante de segundo año = sophomore.
    * estudiante de último año = senior student, senior.
    * existir desde hace años = be around for years.
    * fin de año = EOY (end of year), end of the year.
    * hace algunos años = some years ago.
    * hace años = years ago.
    * hace miles de años = aeons ago.
    * hace muchísimos años = a great many years ago.
    * hace muchos años = many years ago.
    * hace + Número + años = Número + years ago.
    * hace unos pocos años = a few years ago.
    * hace un par de años = a couple of years ago.
    * hace varios años = several years ago.
    * los 365 días del año = year-round.
    * los años cincuenta = fifties.
    * los años maravillosos = the halcyon days.
    * los años treinta = thirties.
    * mayor de 25 años = mature adult.
    * menores de cinco años, los = under-fives, the.
    * miles de años = aeon [eon], thousands of years.
    * millones de años = aeon [eon].
    * niños entre cinco y siete años = five-to-sevens.
    * Número + al año = Número + annually.
    * Número + años de diferencia = Número + year gap.
    * Número + años después = Número + years on.
    * Número + cada año = Número + annually.
    * para el año próximo = for the year ahead.
    * pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
    * pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
    * período de cinco años = five-year period, period of five years.
    * por dos años = two-year.
    * Posesivo + años mozos = Posesivo + salad days.
    * primer año de carrera = freshman year.
    * primer año de estudios superiores = freshman year.
    * próximos años, los = years ahead, the.
    * próximos años, the = next few years, the.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * según la estación del año = seasonally.
    * todo el año = year-round.
    * todos los años = on a yearly basis, year in and year out, year-on-year.
    * un año antes de = a year ahead of.
    * un año antes de lo previsto = a year ahead of schedule.
    * un año tras otro = year after year.
    * una vez al año = annually, once a year.
    * veinticuatro horas al día, siete días a la semana, 365 días al año = 24/7/365.
    * víspera de Año Nuevo = New Year's Eve.
    * * *
    masculino anus
    * * *
    = anus.

    Ex: Homosexuality, cuckoldry, flowering anuses, zombies, monstrosity, gambling, banquets, viral contagion all become signs of a historical epoch which exists in a repetitious & catastrophic crisis.

    * * *
    ( RPl) colostomy
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    ano sustantivo masculino
    año sustantivo masculino
    1 ( período) year;

    el año pasado last year;
    una vez al año once a year;
    hace años que no lo veo I haven't seen him for o in years;
    el año de la pera or de Maricastaña (fam): ese peinado es del año de la pera that hairstyle went out with the ark (colloq), that hairstyle is really old-fashioned;
    un disco del año de la pera a record that's really ancient;
    año bisiesto leap year;
    año fiscal fiscal year (AmE), tax year (BrE);
    año luz light year;
    Año Nuevo New Year
    2 ( indicando edad):
    soltero, de 30 años de edad single, 30 years old o (frml) 30 years of age;

    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?;
    tengo 14 años I'm 14 (years old);
    hoy cumple 29 años she's 29 today;
    ya debe de tener sus añitos he must be getting on (a bit);
    quitarse años: se quita años she's older than she admits o says
    3 ( curso) year;
    año académico/escolar academic/school year

    ano sustantivo masculino anus
    año sustantivo masculino
    1 year: el año pasado nos fuimos a Bahía, we went to Bahía last year
    el año que viene acabará la carrera, she'll finish her university studies next year
    hace años que no nos vemos, we haven't seen each other for ages
    en el año 1945, in 1945
    2 (de edad) years old: mi hija tiene cuatro años, my daughter is four (years old)
    cumple años el 15, it's her birthday on the 15th
    3 año académico/escolar/sabático, academic/school/sabbatical year
    año bisiesto, leap year
    años luz, light years
    Año Nuevo, New Year
    los años cuarenta, the forties
    Recuerda que para expresar la edad no se usa el verbo to have sino el verbo to be: Tiene trece años. He is thirteen o he is thirteen years old. Nunca debes decir he is thirteen years. Si quieres expresar la edad de un bebé: tiene once meses, tienes que decir he is eleven months old.
    ' año' also found in these entries:
    - ano
    - antes
    - bisiesto
    - caer
    - cara
    - caza
    - cosecha
    - curso
    - de
    - dentro
    - dividendo
    - edad
    - escalonar
    - escolar
    - estación
    - estirón
    - fin
    - floración
    - ir
    - gustar
    - ingresar
    - inocentada
    - judicial
    - mediada
    - mediado
    - ordenarse
    - pera
    - polca
    - presente
    - proceso
    - sabática
    - sabático
    - salida
    - sangrar
    - ubérrima
    - ubérrimo
    - víspera
    - acabar
    - académico
    - altura
    - antepasado
    - apertura
    - aquí
    - comparación
    - correr
    - corriente
    - cursar
    - día
    - entrante
    academic year
    - afford
    - after
    - anniversary
    - anus
    - appreciate
    - apprentice
    - arms control
    - attain
    - attribute
    - before
    - best
    - borrower
    - bumper
    - bundle
    - bust
    - clock up
    - come out
    - coming
    - current
    - curtail
    - date back to
    - date from
    - day off
    - disturbance
    - downturn
    - due
    - early
    - eventful
    - expand
    - expatriate
    - extend
    - financial year
    - first
    - flower
    - focus
    - fold
    - free
    - freeze
    - freshman
    - get
    - go out
    - go through
    - go under
    - happy
    - hold
    - leap year
    - light year
    - move away
    - next
    * * *
    ano nm
    * * *
    m ANAT anus
    * * *
    ano nm
    : anus
    * * *
    año n year
    tener... años to be... years old
    tengo 16 años I'm 16 years old / I'm 16
    ¿cuántos años tienes? how old are you?

    Spanish-English dictionary > año

  • 12 година

    1. year, twelvemonth
    тая/миналата/идущата година this/last/next year
    от тая година of the present/current year
    годината, която идва the coming year
    по-миналата година the year before last
    другата/следната година the following year
    вътре в една година within a year, in a year's time
    на година (та) a year; per annum
    печели 5000 лева на година he makes 5000 levs a year/per annum
    след една година in a year, in a year's time, a year from now
    веднъж/два пъти през година та once/twice a year
    всяка година, every year, yearly, annually
    преди края на годината before the year is out
    през година every other year
    от година на година from year to year, year by year
    старата/новата година the old/the new year
    (на) нова година (on) New Year's Day
    календарна година a calendar/legal/civil year
    учебна година a school year, ( за университет) an academic year
    студент трета година a student in his third year, a third year student
    давам под наем/наемам за една година let/hire by the year
    година с година не си приличат next year is always different from this; there are no two years alike
    има вече 7 години, откакто it is now 7 years since
    няма да минат много години и it will not be many years before
    от години for years (on end); for many long years
    не съм го виждал от години I haven't seen him for years/ages
    години наред, години и години year in, year out
    през последните години in/of recent/latter years. during the past years
    през последните няколко/10 години in the last few/ten years
    с години по-млад/стар от years younger/older than
    с годините in the course of time, as the years go by
    бурни години turbulent years
    млади/стари години young/old age
    на млади години in o.'s youth, in o.'s early days
    на години advanced in years; well on in years
    аз съм на тридесет години I am thirty (years old); I am thirty years of age
    до... години up to the age of...
    на моите години at my time of life
    влизам в години, напредвам в годините be getting on in years, advance in years
    изглеждам добре за годините си, не ми личат годините bear o.'s age well
    изглеждам на толкова години, на колкото съм в действителност look o.'s age
    по години (за класиране и пр.) according to age
    * * *
    ж., -и 1. year, twelvemonth; бурни \годинаи turbulent years; веднъж/два пъти през \годинаата once/twice a year; високосна \годинаа leap-year; всяка \годинаа every year, yearly, annually; вътре в една \годинаа within a year, in a year’s time; \годинаата, която идва the coming year; \годинаа с \годинаа не си приличат next year is always different from this; there are no two years alike; \годинаи наред, \годинаи и \годинаи year in, year out; \годинаите минават неусетно the years slide past; давам под наем/наемам за една \годинаа let/hire by the year; другата/следната \годинаа the following year; дълги \годинаи for (many) years; за една \годинаа for one year; за (в течение на) една \годинаа in (the course of) a year; има вече 50 \годинаи, откакто it is now 50 years since; календарна \годинаа calendar/legal/civil year; (на) Нова \годинаа (on) New Year’s Day; не са се виждали от \годинаи it is years since they met; няма да минат много \годинаи и it will not be many years before; от \годинаа на \годинаа from year to year, year by year; от \годинаи for years (on end); for many long years; от една \годинаа for a year; от тази \годинаа of the present/current year; отчетна \годинаа fiscal year; печели 1200 долара на \годинаа he makes 1200 dolars a year/per annum; по-миналата \годинаа the year before last; по това време на \годинаата at this time of year; преди \годинаи years ago; преди края на \годинаата before the year is out; през април миналата \годинаа in April of last year; през \годинаа every other year; през изтеклата \годинаа during the past year; през онази \годинаа that year; на \годинаа(та) a year; per annum; през последните \годинаи in/of recent/latter years, during the past years; през 1921 \годинаа in the year 1921, in 1921; през цялата \годинаа all the year round; с \годинаите in the course of time, as the years go by; светлинна \годинаа light year; след една \годинаа in a year, in a year’s time, a year from now; слънчева \годинаа a solar year; споразумение за една \годинаа a yearly arrangement; срещу Нова \годинаа on New Year’s Eve; студент трета \годинаа student in his third year, third year student; тази/миналата/идващата \годинаа this/last/next year; усилни \годинаи hard times; учебна \годинаа school year, (за университет) academic year;
    2. ( възраст) age; аз съм на тридесет \годинаи I am thirty (years old); I am thirty years of age; в най-хубавите \годинаи на живота си in the prime of o.’s life; влизам в \годинаи, напредвам в \годинаите be getting on in years, advance in years; до\годинаи up to the age of…; изглеждам добре за \годинаите си, не ми личат \годинаите bear o.’s age well; изглеждам на толкова \годинаи, на колкото съм в действителност look o.’s age; млади/стари \годинаи young/old age; много сериозен за \годинаите си serious beyond his age; на \годинаи advanced in years; well on in years; на колко \годинаи сте? how old are you? на млади \годинаи in o.’s youth, in o.’s early days; на моите \годинаи at my time of life; не за \годинаите си beyond o.’s years; по \годинаи (за класиране и пр.) according to age; разлика в \годинаите disparity in years; студентски \годинаи student days; той е на моите \годинаи he is my age; той кара двадесет \годинаи he is in his twentieth year; човек на \годинаи a man of years; • за много \годинаи many happy returns (of the day).
    * * *
    year: the година before last - по-миналата година
    * * *
    1. (на) нова ГОДИНА (on) New Year's Day 2. 10, (възраст) age 3. 2 лева на ГОДИНА he makes 4. 3 levs a year/per annum 5. 4 - in the year 6. 6;през изтеклата ГОДИНА during the past year 7. 7 години, откакто it is now 8. 8 years since 9. 9 години in the last few/ten years, с години по-млад/стар от years younger/ older than 10. in 11. year, twelvemonth 12. ГОДИНА с ГОДИНА не си приличат next year is always different from this;there are no two years alike 13. ГОДИНАта, която идва the coming year 14. аз съм на тридесет години I am thirty (years old);I am thirty years of age 15. астрономична ГОДИНА an astronomic year 16. бурни години turbulent years 17. в най-хубавите години на живота си in the prime of o.'s life 18. веднъж/два пъти през ГОДИНА та once/twice a year 19. високосна ГОДИНА a leap-year 20. влизам в години, напредвам в годините be getting on in years, advance in years 21. всяка ГОДИНА, every year, yearly, annually 22. вътре в една ГОДИНА within a year, in a year's time 23. години наред, години и години year in, year out 24. давам под наем/наемам за една ГОДИНА let/hire by the year 25. до... години up to the age of... 26. другата/следната ГОДИНА the following year 27. дълги години for (many) years 28. за (е течение на) една ГОДИНА in (the course of) a year 29. за една ГОДИНА for one year 30. за много години many happy returns (of the day) 31. изглеждам добре за годините си, не ми личат годините bear o.'s age well 32. изглеждам на толкова години, на колкото съм в действителност look o.'s age 33. има вече 34. календарна ГОДИНА a calendar/legal/civil year 35. млади/ стари години young/old age 36. много млад за годините си very young for his years/age 37. много сериозен за годините си serious beyond his age 38. на ГОДИНА (та) a year;per annum 39. на години advanced in years;well on in years 40. на колко сте години? how old are you? 41. на млади години in o.'s youth, in o.'s early days 42. на моите години at my time of life 43. на стари години in o.'s old age 44. не за годините си beyond o.'s years 45. не са се виждали от години it is years since they met 46. не съм го виждал от години I haven't seen him for years/ages 47. няма да минат много години и it will not be many years before 48. от ГОДИНА на ГОДИНА from year to year, year by year 49. от години for years (on end);for many long years 50. от една ГОДИНА for a year 51. от тая ГОДИНА of the present/current year 52. отчетна ГОДИНА a fiscal year 53. пo това време на ГОДИНАта at this time of year 54. печели 55. по години (за класиране и пр.) according to age 56. по-миналата ГОДИНА the year before last 57. преди години years ago 58. преди края на ГОДИНАта before the year is out 59. през 60. през ГОДИНА every other year 61. през април миналата ГОДИНА in April of last year 62. през последните години in/of recent/latter years. during the past years 63. през последните няколко/ 64. през цялата ГОДИНА all the year round 65. презоная ГОДИНА that year 66. разлика в годините disparity in years 67. с годините in the course of time, as the years go by 68. светлинна ГОДИНА a light year 69. след една ГОДИНА in a year, in a year's time. a year from now 70. слънчева ГОДИНА a solar year 71. споразумение за една година а yearly arrangement 72. срещу нова ГОДИНА on New Year's Eve 73. старата/ новата ГОДИНА the old/the new year 74. студент трета ГОДИНА a student in his third year, a third year student 75. студентски години student days 76. тая/миналата/ идущата ГОДИНА this/last/next year 77. той е на моите години he is my age 78. той кара двадесет години he is in his twentieth year 79. усилни години hard times 80. учебна ГОДИНА a school year, (за университет) an academic year 81. чакам с години wait for years 82. човек на години а man of years

    Български-английски речник > година

  • 13 hundertjährig

    Adj. Person etc.: a hundred-year-old..., präd. und nachgestellt: a hundred years old; Zeitraum: a hundred years of...; hundertjähriges Jubiläum centenary, Am. centennial; der Hundertjährige Krieg HIST. the Hundred Years’ War; hundertjähriger Kalender hundred-year calendar
    * * *
    centenary; centennial
    * * *
    adj attr

    der Hundertjährige Kalender — the Hundred Years' Calendar (for weather prediction)

    das Ergebnis einer hundertjährigen Entwicklung/Arbeit — the result of a hundred years of development/work

    * * *
    hun·dert·jäh·rig, 100-jährigRR
    1. (Alter) hundred-year-old attr, one hundred years old pred; s.a. achtjährig 1
    2. (Zeitspanne) hundred-year attr; s.a. achtjährig 2, Kalender, Krieg
    * * *
    1) (100 Jahre alt) [one-]hundred-year-old

    nach hundertjährigem Kampfafter a hundred years of war

    der Hundertjährige Krieg(hist.) the Hundred Years' War

    * * *
    hundertjährig adj Person etc: a hundred-year-old …, präd und nachgestellt: a hundred years old; Zeitraum: a hundred years of …;
    hundertjähriges Jubiläum centenary, US centennial;
    der Hundertjährige Krieg HIST the Hundred Years’ War;
    hundertjähriger Kalender hundred-year calendar
    * * *
    1) (100 Jahre alt) [one-]hundred-year-old

    der Hundertjährige Krieg(hist.) the Hundred Years' War

    * * *
    centennial adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > hundertjährig

  • 14 стил

    нов стил (календар) new style, Gregorian calendar
    стар стил old style Julian calendar
    плувен стил a swimming stroke
    в стил на in the style of
    не е в стил it lacks style
    * * *
    м., -ове, (два) стѝла style, flair; разг. twig; в \стила на in the style of; изискан \стил classiness, elegance, finesse, fineness; не е в неговия \стил it is not like him; не ми е в \стила да it goes against the grain to (c inf.).
    * * *
    style: in the стил of - в стила на; fashion ; genre (жанр); manner ; pen {pen}; penmanship (плувен)
    * * *
    1. style 2. имам лек стил (за писател) write with a light touch 3. не е в неговия СТИЛ it is not like him 4. нов СТИЛ (календар) new style, Gregorian calendar: стар СТИЛ old style. Julian calendar 5. плувен СТИЛ a swimming stroke: в СТИЛ на in the style of: не е в СТИЛ it lacks style

    Български-английски речник > стил

  • 15 стиль


    новый стиль (григорианский календарь ( the Gregorian calendar))the New Style

    по новому стилю (по григорианскому календарю) — in the new style, лат., устар. stilo novo

    по старому стилю (по юлианскому календарю) — in the old style, лат., устар. stilo vetere

    старый стиль (юлианский календарь ( the Julian calendar)) — the Old Style, the Russian calendar


    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > стиль

  • 16 старый новый год

    1) General subject: the Old New Year (based on the Julian calendar, which was observed in Russia before 1917), Russian Old New Year
    2) Colloquial: the old style new year (Новый год по старому стилю (14 января) the New Year according to the Julian calendar (January 14))

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > старый новый год

  • 17 rok

    m (G roku, N pl lata) 1. (jednostka rachuby czasu) year
    - rok bieżący/miniony a. przeszły a. zeszły/przyszły the current/past a. last/next year
    - dobry/zły/tragiczny rok a good/bad/tragic year
    - rok urodzenia the year of birth
    - jestem z 1949 roku I was born in 1949
    - to się wydarzyło w roku 1965 it happened in 1965
    - w tym roku pojedziemy do Włoch/zaczniemy budowę domu we’re going to Italy/starting to build a house this year
    - odwiedzam/zapraszam ich co rok a. co roku a. rok w rok I go to visit them/I invite them every year
    - raz do a. w roku wyjeżdża na wakacje/chodzi do dentysty once a year she would go on holiday/visit a dentist
    - dzieci przychodziły na świat rok po roku children came into the world year in year out
    - powierzchnia/liczba mieszkańców wyspy maleje z roku na rok a. z każdym rokiem the surface area/population of the island is getting smaller by the year
    - w ciągu tego roku/ostatnich lat udało mi się zaoszczędzić trochę pieniędzy within this year/the last few years I managed to put by some money
    - lata trzydzieste/pięćdziesiąte the thirties/fifties
    - akcja powieści rozgrywa się w latach czterdziestych XVIII wieku the action of the novel is set in the 1740s
    - w połowie lat osiemdziesiątych sytuacja zmieniła się in the mid-80s the situation changed
    2. (każde kolejne 365 dni) year
    - ile masz lat? how old are you?
    - jutro zaczynasz trzydziesty pierwszy rok życia tomorrow you’ll be thirty one
    - Basia wygląda/nie wygląda na swoje lata Basia certainly looks/doesn’t look her age
    - kobiety lubią ujmować sobie lat women like to deduct a few years from their age
    - nie dodawaj sobie lat don’t exaggerate your age
    - między nimi jest rok różnicy there’s a year’s difference between them
    - szkoda, że nie przyjechaliście rok/kilka lat wcześniej it’s a pity you didn’t come a year/a few years earlier
    - to było chyba dwa lata temu, a może przed rokiem I think it was two years ago, or maybe just a year
    - jutro upływa rok od jego śmierci/przyjazdu it’s a year tomorrow since his death/arrival
    - został skazany na pięć lat więzienia he was sentenced to five years imprisonment
    - minęło trzy i pół roku od tamtego wydarzenia three years and six months have passed since that event
    - minęło już trzy i pół roku odkąd tu mieszkamy we’ve been living here for three and a half years
    - za rok wychodzę za mąż I’m getting married in a year a. year’s time
    - za trzy lata skończy studia he will have finished his studies in three years
    - w rok po ślubie urodziła bliźniaki a year after getting married she had twins
    - lata mijają a. płyną the years pass
    - już rok z okładem a. z czymś temu obiecał do mnie zadzwonić a year or so a. just over a year ago he promised to phone me
    - sprowadziliśmy się tu przed dwoma laty we moved here two years ago
    3. Uniw. year
    - niższe/wyższe lata junior/senior years
    - jestem na trzecim roku prawa I’m in my third year of law
    - byliśmy na jednym roku we were in the same year
    - (po)zostać na drugi rok a. powtarzać rok to repeat a year of the course of study
    - przez chorobę stracił rok because of his illness he missed a year of his course of study
    4. (studenci) year
    - kolega z roku a colleague from the same class a. year at university
    - bal dla trzeciego roku a ball for the third year students
    lata plt (długi nieokreślony odcinek czasu) od lat for years
    - dyskusja/konflikt trwa od lat the discussion/conflict has lasted for years
    - na lata for years
    - to inwestycja/praca na lata this is an investment/work for years
    - ten odkurzacz starczy ci na lata this vacuum cleaner will last you for years
    - po latach years later
    - po latach przeczytałam tę książkę na nowo/ponownie odwiedziłam to miasto years later I reread that book/revisited that town
    - latami a. przez długie lata for years
    - latami a. przez lata marzyliśmy o własnym domu/podróży dookoła świata for years we dreamt of our own house/travelling around the world
    - przed laty a. dawnymi laty years ago
    - przed laty a. dawnymi laty była tu cukiernia years ago there was a cake shop here
    - z latami a. z biegiem lat with the years
    - z latami a. z biegiem lat nasza znajomość zmieniła się w przyjaźń with the years our acquaintanceship developed into friendship
    - ostatnimi laty over recent years
    - ostatnimi laty bardzo się postarzała in recent years she has really aged
    - od niepamiętnych lat from time immemorial
    - znamy się od niepamiętnych lat we’ve known each other for ages
    - □ rok akademicki a. uniwersytecki Uniw. academic year
    - rok bazowy Fin. base year
    - rok finansowy Fin. fiscal a. financial year
    - rok gospodarczy Ekon. production year
    - rok gwiazdowy Astron. sidereal year
    - rok jubileuszowy jubilee year
    - rok kalendarzowy calendar year
    - rok kościelny a. liturgiczny Relig. liturgical year, church year
    - rok obrachunkowy Ekon. financial year
    - rok pański Anno Domini, AD
    - roku pańskiego 1812. the year of our Lord, 1812
    - rok podatkowy Fin. tax year
    - rok przestępny leap year
    - rok szkolny Szkol. school year
    - rok świetlny Astron. light year
    - rok zerowy Uniw. foundation year, pre-freshman year US
    - rok zwrotnikowy Astron. solar year, tropical year
    - lata dziecinne childhood
    - lata dojrzałe adulthood
    - lata podeszłe old age
    - lata matuzalowe a. matuzalemowe advanced years
    - Rok Święty Relig. Holy Year
    Nowy Rok the New Year
    - Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! A Happy New Year!
    - Do siego roku! A Happy New Year!
    - być w latach a. leciechprzest. to be advanced in years
    - mieć swoje lata to be no spring chicken pot.
    - Sto lat! (formuła życzeń urodzinowych) many happy returns (of the day); (piosenka śpiewana jubilatom) ≈ For he’s/she’s a jolly good fellow!
    * * *
    - ku; lata; instr sg - kiem; m
    ( decl like nt in pl) year

    co rokuevery lub each year

    w zeszłym/przyszłym roku — last/next year

    rok szkolny/akademicki — school/academic year

    z roku na rok — year in, year out

    * * *
    pl. lata Gen. lat year; co rok(u) every year, annually; raz do roku l. raz na rok once a year; dwa razy do roku twice a year; ponad rok (temu) over one l. a year (ago); przez cały rok all year long; przez okrągły rok all the year round; rok temu a year ago; rok po roku l. z roku na rok year in, year out; pod koniec roku at the end of the year, towards the end of the year; przed upływem roku before the year is out; w lutym/kwietniu zeszłego/przyszłego roku last/next February/April; w nadchodzącym roku in the coming year; w piętnastym roku życia at fifteen (years old); w połowie roku at midyear; dobry rok (dla czegoś) vintage year (for sth); rok akademicki academic year; rok budżetowy budget year; rok finansowy l. obrachunkowy financial year; rok kalendarzowy calendar year; rok podatkowy tax year; rok przestępny leap year, bissextile; rok szkolny school year; rok świetlny astron. light year; Rok Święty Holy Year; rok zwrotnikowy astronomical year, solar year; rok zwykły (= nieprzestępny) common year; nowy rok (= nadchodzący l. niedawno rozpoczęty) New Year; Nowy Rok ( 1 stycznia) New Year's Day; powitać nowy rok see in the New Year; Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Happy New Year!; Roku Pańskiego Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord; pora roku season; minął rok a year passed; por. lata.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > rok

  • 18 taco

    1 plug (tarugo).
    2 wedge (cuña).
    3 swearword (informal) (palabrota). (peninsular Spanish)
    decir tacos to swear
    4 mess, muddle (informal) (confusión). (peninsular Spanish)
    armarse un taco (con algo) to get into a muddle (over something)
    5 cue.
    6 wad.
    7 cube.
    8 taco (cooking).
    9 heel. (Andean Spanish (Bolivia, Chilean Spanish, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), River Plate)
    tacos altos high heels
    10 shoe heel.
    11 four-letter word.
    12 sprag.
    13 dowel.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: tacar.
    * * *
    1 (tarugo) plug, stopper
    2 (para pared) plug, Rawlplug
    3 (bloc de notas) notepad, writing pad; (calendario) tear-off calendar
    6 COCINA (de queso etc) cube, piece; (en Méjico) taco, rolled-up tortilla
    7 familiar (lío) mess, muddle
    8 familiar (palabrota) swearword
    9 familiar (años) year's old
    10 argot (drogas) lump of hash
    armarse un taco / hacerse un taco to get all mixed up
    soltar un taco / soltar tacos to swear
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) plug, stopper
    2) pad
    3) cue
    * * *
    1) (=pieza) [para tornillo] Rawlplug ®; (=tapón) plug, stopper; [de bota de fútbol] stud; [para fusil] wad, wadding; (=tarugo) wooden peg

    taco de salida — (Dep) starting block

    2) (Billar) cue
    3) [de papeles] [para escribir] pad; [de billetes, cupones] book; [de cheque] stub; (=calendario) desk calendar
    4) [de jamón, queso] cube
    5) Esp * (=palabrota) rude word, swearword
    6) Esp ** (=lío) mess

    armarse o hacerse un taco — to get into a mess, get mixed o muddled up

    7) ** (=año) year

    cumple cinco tacos[en la cárcel] he's doing five years' bird **

    8) (Mil) ( Hist) ramrod
    9) LAm (=tacón) heel
    10) Méx (Culin) taco, filled rolled tortilla; (=bocado) * snack, bite
    11) Chile (=trago) swig of wine *
    12) Cono Sur, Méx (=obstáculo) obstruction, blockage; Chile * (=atasco) traffic jam
    13) [aplicado a personas] Cono Sur (=chaparro) short stocky person; And * (=personaje) big shot *; CAm, Caribe, Méx fop, dandy
    14) CAm, Caribe (=preocupación) worry, anxiety; (=miedo) fear
    * * *
    a) ( de madera) plug

    a todo taco — (Col fam) ( a todo lujo) in the lap of luxury; ( a todo volumen) on full blast

    b) ( de billetes) book; ( de folletos) wad
    a) ( en billar) cue
    b) (Col) ( de golf) tee
    a) (Dep) ( de botas) cleat (AmE), stud (BrE)
    b) (CS, Per) ( tacón) heel

    zapatos de taco alto/bajo or chato — high-heeled/low-heeled o flat shoes

    a) (Coc) taco

    hacerse taco — (Méx) to wrap (oneself) up

    hacer taco a alguien — (Méx) to wrap somebody up

    b) (Méx) ( comida ligera) snack, bite to eat (colloq)

    darse taco — (Méx fam)

    echarse un taco de ojo — (Méx fam) to ogle the men/women (colloq), to eye up the talent (BrE colloq)

    5) (Esp fam) ( palabrota) swearword
    6) (Esp fam)
    a) ( confusión) mess (colloq)
    b) ( alboroto) racket (colloq)
    7) (Chi) ( embotellamiento) traffic jam; (en conducto, canal) blockage
    * * *
    a) ( de madera) plug

    a todo taco — (Col fam) ( a todo lujo) in the lap of luxury; ( a todo volumen) on full blast

    b) ( de billetes) book; ( de folletos) wad
    a) ( en billar) cue
    b) (Col) ( de golf) tee
    a) (Dep) ( de botas) cleat (AmE), stud (BrE)
    b) (CS, Per) ( tacón) heel

    zapatos de taco alto/bajo or chato — high-heeled/low-heeled o flat shoes

    a) (Coc) taco

    hacerse taco — (Méx) to wrap (oneself) up

    hacer taco a alguien — (Méx) to wrap somebody up

    b) (Méx) ( comida ligera) snack, bite to eat (colloq)

    darse taco — (Méx fam)

    echarse un taco de ojo — (Méx fam) to ogle the men/women (colloq), to eye up the talent (BrE colloq)

    5) (Esp fam) ( palabrota) swearword
    6) (Esp fam)
    a) ( confusión) mess (colloq)
    b) ( alboroto) racket (colloq)
    7) (Chi) ( embotellamiento) traffic jam; (en conducto, canal) blockage
    * * *
    1 = wadge.

    Ex: By meeting authors cold print takes on a human voice; wadges of paper covered with words turn into treasure troves full of interest.

    2 = cleat.

    Ex: Players commonly bring their sports shoes with cleats or spikes, along with a pair of walking shoes to wear normally.

    * cortado en tacos = diced.
    * tacos de salida = starting blocks.


    Ex: Other concerns involve disturbing portrayals of the supernatural, often with negative religious overtones, and the use of mild profanity or other expletives.

    * * *
    1 (de madera) plug; (para un tornillo) Rawl® ( AmE), Rawlplug® ( BrE)
    a todo taco ( Col fam): viven a todo taco they live in the lap of luxury
    fue una fiesta a todo taco it was a tremendous party ( colloq)
    pone la música a todo taco she puts the music on full blast
    3 ( Esp) (de queso, jamón) cube
    starting block
    2 ( Col) (de golf) tee
    1 ( Dep) (de las botas) cleat ( AmE), stud ( BrE)
    pararle los tacos a algn ( Méx); to give sb a good talking to ( colloq)
    2 (CS, Per) (tacón) heel
    zapatos de taco bajo or chato low-heeled o flat shoes
    de taco alto high-heeled
    no me/le llevó ni en los tacos ( Chi fam); she didn't take the slightest notice o ( BrE) a blind bit of notice of me/him ( colloq)
    taco aguja or alfiler
    (CS) spike heel, stiletto (heel) ( BrE)
    ( Arg) wedge heel
    ( Chi) wedge heel
    1 ( Coc) taco
    hacerse taco ( Méx); to wrap (oneself) up
    hacer taco a algn ( Méx); to wrap sb up
    hicieron taco al bebé con una cobija they wrapped o bundled the baby up in a blanket
    2 ( Méx) (comida ligera) snack, bite to eat ( colloq)
    darse taco ( Méx fam): se da mucho taco he really thinks he's it ( colloq), he really fancies himself ( BrE colloq)
    echarse un taco de ojo ( Méx fam); to ogle o eye up the girls ( colloq)
    ( Méx) kebab ( in a pitta bread), doner kebab ( BrE)
    E ( Esp fam) (palabrota) swearword
    soltó un taco she swore
    F ( Esp fam)
    2 (alboroto) racket ( colloq), ruckus ( AmE colloq)
    G ( Esp fam) (año) year
    ya tiene 40 tacos he's already 40, he's already passed the 40 mark o reached the big four-oh ( colloq)
    le cayeron 15 tacos he got 15 years ( colloq)
    I ( Chi)
    1 (embotellamiento) traffic jam
    2 (en un conducto, canal) blockage
    J ( Chi fam) (de bebida) gulp
    * * *


    taco sustantivo masculino

    ( para tornillo) Rawl® (AmE), Rawplug® (BrE)

    ( de folletos) wad;
    (de queso, jamón) (Esp) cube

    b) (Col) ( de golf) tee

    a) ( de botas de deporte) cleat (AmE), stud (BrE)

    b) (CS, Per) ( tacón) heel;

    zapatos de taco alto/bajo high-heeled/low-heeled o flat shoes

    a) (Coc) taco

    b) (Méx) ( comida ligera) snack, bite to eat (colloq)

    5 (Esp fam) ( palabrota) swearword;

    6 (Chi) ( embotellamiento) traffic jam
    taco sustantivo masculino
    1 (de billetes, papeles) wad
    (de entradas) book
    2 Dep (de bota) stud, US cleat
    3 (de billar) cue
    4 (de tortilla, jamón, etc) cube
    5 LAm (comida mejicana) taco
    6 fam (jaleo, follón) hubbub, racket
    7 familiar (palabra malsonante) swearword
    8 familiar tacos, (años) tiene veinte tacos, he's twenty (years old)
    ♦ Locuciones: hacerse o armarse un taco, to get into a mess
    ' taco' also found in these entries:
    - calendario
    - cue
    - curse
    - starting block
    - stud
    - block
    - heel
    - high
    - stiletto
    - swear
    * * *
    taco nm
    1. [tarugo] plug;
    [para tornillo] = tubular plug for fixing screws, Br Rawlplug®; [en calzado deportivo] stud
    2. [cuña] wedge
    tacos de salida [en atletismo] starting block
    3. [montón] [de billetes de banco] wad;
    [de billetes de autobús, metro] book; [de hojas] pile, stack
    4. [de billar] cue
    5. Esp [de jamón, queso] cube;
    jamón/queso (cortado) en tacos diced ham/cheese
    6. Esp Fam [palabrota] swearword;
    decir tacos to swear
    7. Esp Fam [confusión] mess, muddle;
    armarse un taco (con algo) to get into a muddle (over sth);
    armar el taco [triunfar] to bring the house down
    8. Esp Fam
    tiene veinte tacos he's twenty
    9. Esp Fam
    un taco de [mucho] loads of;
    tiene un taco de dinero she's got loads of money, she's loaded
    10. [tortilla de maíz] taco;
    Méx Fam
    a mí, mis tacos I mind my own business;
    Méx Fam
    darse taco to show off;
    Méx Fam
    echarse un taco de ojo to get an eyeful;
    Méx Fam
    hacerse taco to wrap up (warm);
    Méx Fam
    hacer taco a alguien to wrap sb up;
    Méx Fam
    11. Méx [bocado] snack
    12. Andes, RP [tacón] heel;
    zapatos de taco alto high heels, high-heeled shoes;
    zapatos de taco bajo low-heeled shoes
    taco aguja stiletto heel;
    taco chino wedge heel;
    taco corrido wedge heel;
    taco tanque wedge heel
    13. Chile [obstrucción] obstruction, blockage
    14. Chile [embotellamiento] traffic jam
    * * *
    1 fam ( palabrota) swearword;
    decir un taco swear, utter an oath
    2 L.Am.
    de zapato heel
    3 GASTR taco (filled tortilla)
    4 DEP stud
    armar un taco fam cause trouble
    * * *
    taco nm
    1) : wad, stopper, plug
    2) : pad (of paper)
    3) : cleat
    4) : heel (of a shoe)
    5) : cue (in billiards)
    6) : light snack, bite
    7) : taco
    * * *
    taco n
    1. (trozo de queso, jamón, etc) cube / piece
    ¿te apetecen unos tacos de jamón? do you fancy some pieces of ham?
    2. (de botas) stud
    3. (cuña) wedge
    4. (palabrota) swearword

    Spanish-English dictionary > taco

  • 19 पञ्चन् _pañcan

    पञ्चन् num. a. (Always pl., nom. and acc. पञ्च) Five. (As the first member of comp. पञ्चन् drops its final न्). [cf. Gr. pente.]
    -Comp. -अंशः the fifth part, a fifth.
    -अग्निः 1 an aggregate of five sacred fires; i. e. (अन्वाहार्यपचन or दक्षिण, गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय, सभ्य, and आव- सथ्य).
    -2 a householder who maintains the five sacred fires; पञ्चाग्नयो धृतव्रताः Māl.1; Ms.3.185.
    -3 five mystic fires supposed to exist in the body; तेजो ह्यग्निस्तथा क्रोधश्चक्षुरूष्मा तथैव च । अग्निर्जरयते यच्च पञ्चाग्नेयाः शरीरिणः ॥ Mb.12.184.21.
    -4 one who is acquainted with the doctrine of these fires. ˚साधनम् four fires on four sides and the sun above the head. This is a form of penance.
    -अङ्ग a. five-membered, having five parts or divi- sions as in पञ्चाङ्गः प्रणामः (i. e. बाहुभ्यां चैव जानुभ्यां शिरसा वक्षसा दृशा); कृतपञ्चाङ्गविनिर्णयो नयः Ki.2.12. (see Malli. and Kāmandaka quoted by him); पञ्चाङ्गमभिनयमुपदिश्य M.1; चित्ताक्षिभ्रूहस्तपादैरङ्गैश्चेष्टादिसाम्यतः । पात्राद्यवस्थाकरणं पञ्चाङ्गे$भिनयो मतः ॥
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a tortoise or turtle.
    -2 a kind of horse with five spots in different parts of his body. (
    -ङ्गी) a bit for horses.
    -(ङ्गम्) 1 collection or aggregate of five parts.
    -2 five modes of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas)
    -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥
    -4 a calendar or almanac, so called be- cause it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा- ङ्गबलवानाकाशं वशमानये ॥ Shbhāṣ. ˚गुप्तः a turtle. ˚पत्रम् a calendar. ˚विनिर्णयः the five rules are as follows; सहायाः साधनोपाया विभागो देशकालयोः । विनिपातप्रतीकारः सिद्धिः पञ्चाङ्ग- मिष्यते ॥ Kāmandak; cf. Ki.2.12. ˚शुद्धिः f. the propiti- ousness or favourable state of five important points; i. e. तिथि, वार, नक्षत्र, योग and करण (in astrology).
    -अङ्गिक a. five-membered.
    -अङ्गुल a. (
    -ला or
    -ली f.) measuring five fingers. (
    -लः) the castor-oil plant.
    -अ(आ)जम् the five products of the goat; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अतिग a. liberated (मुक्त); सो$पि पञ्चातिगो$भवत् Mb. 12.59.9.
    -अप्सरस् n. N. of a lake, said to have been created by the sage Mandakarni; cf. R.13.38.
    -अमरा The five plants i. e. (Mar. भांग, दूर्वा, बेल, निर्गुडी and तुळस.
    -अमृत a. consisting of 5 ingredients.
    -(तम्) 1 the aggregate of five drugs; dry ginger, a species of Moonseed (Cocculus cordifolius, Mar. गुळवेल), Asparagus recemosus (Mar. शतावरी), Hypoxis brevifolia (Mar. मुसळी), गोक्षुरक (Mar. गोखरूं).
    -2 the collection of five sweet things used in worshipping deities; (दुग्धं च शर्करा चैव घृतं दधि तथा मधु).
    -3 the five elements; Māl.5.2.
    -अम्लम् the aggregate of five acid plants (the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron).
    -अर्चिस् m. the planet Mercury.
    - अवयव a. five-membered (as a syllogism, the five members being, प्रतिज्ञा, हेतु, उदाहरण, उपनय and निगमन q. v.).
    -अवस्थः a corpse (so called because it is resolved into the five elements) cf. पञ्चत्व below.
    -अविकम् the five products of the sheep; cf. पञ्चगव्य.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-five.
    -अहः a period of five days.
    - आतप a. doing penance with five fires. (i. e. with four fires and the sun); cf. R.13.41.
    -आत्मक a. consisting of five elements (as body).
    -आननः, -आस्यः, -मुखः, -वक्त्रः 1 epithets of Śiva.
    -2 a lion (so called because its mouth is generally wide open; पञ्चम् आननं यस्य), (often used at the end of names of learned men to express great learning or respect; न्याय˚, तर्क˚ &c. e. g. जगन्नाथतर्कपञ्चानन); see पञ्च a.
    -3 the sign Leo of the zodiac. (
    -नी) an epithet of Durgā.
    -आम्नायाः m. (pl.) five Śāstras supposed to have proceeded from the five mouths of Śiva.
    -आयतनी, -नम् a group of five deities like गणपति, विष्णु, शंकर, देवी and सूर्य.
    -इन्द्रियम् an aggregate of the five organs (of sense or actions; see इन्द्रियम्).
    -इषुः, -बाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; (so called because he has five arrows; their names are:-- अरविन्दमशोकं च चूतं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैते पञ्चबाणस्य सायकाः ॥ the five arrows are also thus named:-- संमोहनोन्मादनौ च शोषणस्तापनस्तथा । स्तम्भनश्चेति कामस्य पञ्चबाणाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥).
    -उपचारः the five articles of worship i. e. (गन्ध, पुष्प, धूप, दीप and नैवेद्य).
    -उष्मन् m. (pl.) the five digestive fires supposed to be in the body.
    -कपाल a. prepared or offered in five cups.
    -कर्ण a. branded in the ear with the number 'five' (as cattle &c.); cf. P.VI.3.115.
    -कर्मन् n. (in medicine) the five kinds of treatment; i. e. 1 वमन 'giving emetics'; 2 रेचन 'purging'; 3 नस्य 'giving stre- nutatories'; 4 अनुवासन 'administering an enema which is oily', and 5 निरूह 'administering an enema which is not oily. वमनं रेचनं नस्यं निरूहश्चानुवासनम् । पञ्चकर्मेदमन्यश्च ज्ञेयमुत्क्षेपणादिकम् ॥
    -कल्याणकः a horse with white feet and a white mouth.
    -कषाय a decoction from the fruits of five plants (जम्बु, शाल्मलि, वाट्याल, बकुल and बदर).
    -कृत्यम् the five actions by which the Supreme Power manifests itself (सृष्टि, स्थिति, संहार, तिरोभाव and अनुग्रह- करण).
    -कृत्वस् ind. five times.
    -कृष्णः A kind of game. (
    -ष्णाः) The five deities of Mahānubhāva sect namely चक्रवर्ती कृष्ण, Datta of Mātāpura, Gundam Raul of ऋद्धिपुर, चांगदेव राऊळ of द्वारावती and चांगदेव राऊळ of प्रतिष्ठान.
    -कोणः a pentagon.
    -कोलम् the five spices taken collec- tively; पिप्पली पिप्पलीमूलं चव्यचित्रकनागरम् । पञ्चकोलं......... (Mar. पिंपळी, पिंपळमूळ, चवक, चित्रक व सुंठ).
    -कोषाः m. (pl.) the five vestures or wrappers supposed to invest the soul; they are:-- अन्नमयकोष or the earthly body (स्थूलशरीर); प्राणमयकोष the vesture of the vital airs; मनो- मयकोष the sensorial vesture; विज्ञानमयकोष the cognitional vesture (these three form the लिङ्गशरीर); and आनन्द- मयकोष the last vesture, that of beatitude. कोषैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुप्तन्नैः शैवालप़टलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ Vivekachūdāmaṇi.
    -क्रोशी 1 a distance of five Kroṣas.
    -2 N. of the city, Banares.
    -खट्वम्, -खट्वी a collection of five beds.
    -गत a. (in alg.) raised to the fifth power.
    -गवम् a collection of five cows.
    -गव्यम् the five products of the cow taken collectively; i. e. milk, curds, clarified butter or ghee, urine, and cowdung (क्षीरं दधि तथा चाज्यं मूत्रं गोमयमेव च).
    -गु a. bought with five cows.
    -गुण a. five-fold. (
    -णाः) the five objects of sense (रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द). (
    -णी) the earth.
    -गुप्तः 1 a tortoise (as drawing in its 4 feet and head).
    -2 the materialistic system of philosophy, the doctrines of the Chārvākas.
    -घातः (in music) a kind of mea- sure.
    -चत्वारिंश a. forty-fifth.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-five.
    -चामरम् N. of 2 kinds of metre; प्रमाणिकापदद्वयं वदन्ति पञ्चचामरम् Vṛittaratnākara.
    -जनः 1 a man, man- kind.
    -2 N. of a demon who had assumed the form of a conch-shell, and was slain by Kṛiṣṇa; तस्मै प्रादाद्वरं पुत्रं मृतं पञ्चजनोदरात् Bhāg.3.3.2.
    -3 the soul.
    -4 the five classes of beings; i. e. gods, men, Gandharvas, serpents and pitṛis; यस्मिन् पञ्च पञ्चजना आकाशश्च प्रतिष्ठितः Bṛi. Up.4.4.17.
    -5 the four primary castes of the Hindus (ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य and शूद्र) with the Niṣādas or barbarians as the fifth (pl. in these two senses); (for a full exposition see Sārirabhāṣya on Br. Sūtras 1.4.11-13). (
    -नी) an assemblage of five persons.
    -जनीन a. devoted to the five races. (
    -नः) an actor, a mimic, buffoon, one who is devoted to the pentad viz. singer, musician, dancer, harlot and a jester; गायकवादक- नर्तकदासीभण्डरतः खलु पञ्चजनीनः Bhāsāvritti on P.V.1.9.
    -ज्ञानः 1 an epithet of Buddha as possessing the five kinds of knowledge.
    -2 a man familiar with the doc- trines of the Pāśupatas.
    -तक्षम्, -क्षी a collection of five carpenters.
    -तत्त्वम् 1 the five elements taken collectively; i. e. पृत्थी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -2 (in the Tantras) the five essentials of the Tāntrikas, also called पञ्चमकार because they all begin with म; i. e. मद्य, मांस, मत्स्य, मुद्रा and मैथुन.
    -तन्त्रम् N. of a well-known collection in five books containing moral stories and fables by Visnugupta; पञ्चतन्त्रात्तथान्यस्माद् ग्रन्थादाकृष्य लिख्यते H. Pr.9.
    -तन्मात्रम् the five subtle and pri- mary elements (such as शब्द, रस, स्पर्श and रूप and गन्ध).
    -तपस् m. an ascetic who in summer practises penance sitting in the middle of four fires with the sun burning right over his head; cf. हविर्भुजामेधवतां चतुर्णां मध्ये ललाटंतपसप्तसप्तिः R.13.41; Ku.5.23; Ms.6.23 and Śi.2.51. also; ग्रीष्मे पञ्चतपा वीरो वर्षास्वासारषाण्मुनिः Bhāg. 4.23.6; Rām.3.6.5.
    -तय a. five-fold; वृत्तयः पञ्चतय्यः क्लिष्टा अक्लिष्टाः Mbh. (
    -यः) a pentad.
    -तिक्तम् the five bitter things:-- निवामृतावृषपटोलनिदिग्धिकाश्च.
    -त्रिंश a. thirtyfifth.
    -त्रिंशत्, -त्रिंशतिः f. thirty-five.
    -दश a.
    1 fifteenth.
    -2 increased by fifteen; as in पञ्चदशं शतम् 'one hundred and fifteen'.
    -दशन् a. (pl.) fifteen.
    ˚अहः a period of fifteen days.
    -दशिन् a. made or consisting of fifteen.
    -दशी 1 the fifteenth day of a lunar fort- night (the full or new moon day); Y.1.146.
    -2 N. of a philosophical work (प्रकरणग्रन्थ) by माधवाचार्य (विद्यारण्य).
    -दीर्घम् the five long parts of the body; the arms, eyes, belly, nose and breast; बाहू नेत्रद्वयं कुक्षिर्द्वे तु नासे तथैव च । स्तनयोरन्तरं चैव पञ्चदीर्घं प्रचक्षते ॥
    -देवताः the five deities:-- आदित्यं गणनाथं च देवीं रुद्रं च केशवम् । पञ्चदैवतमित्युक्तं सर्वकर्मसु पूजयेत् ॥
    -धारणक a. upheld by the five elements.
    -नखः 1 any animal with five claws; such as the hare, alligator, tortoise, porcupine, rhinoceros शशकः शल्लकी गोधा खड्गी कूर्मश्च पञ्चमः । पञ्च पञ्चनखा भक्ष्या ये प्रोक्ताः कृतजैर्द्विजैः Bk.6.131; Ms.5.17,18; Y.1.177.
    -2 an elephant.
    -3 a turtle.
    -4 a lion or tiger.
    -नखी, -नखराज an iguana (Mar. घोरपड); Gīrvāṇa.
    -नदः 'the country of five rivers, the modern Panjab (the five rivers being शतद्रु, विपाशा, इरावती, चन्द्रभागा and वितस्ता, or the modern names Sutlej, Beas, Ravee, Chenab and Jhelum).
    -दा (pl.) the people of this country.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-five.
    -निम्बम् the five products of निम्ब viz. (the flowers, fruit, leaves, bark and root).
    -नीराजनम् waving five things before an idol and then falling prostrate before it; (the five things being:-- a lamp, lotus, cloth, mango and betel-leaf).
    -पञ्चाश a. fiftyfifth.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-five.
    -पदी 1 five steps; पुंसो यमान्तं व्रजतो$पिनिष्ठुरै- रेतैर्धनैः पञ्चपदी न दीयते Pt.2.115.
    -2 the five strong cases, i. e. the first five inflections
    -पर्वन् n. (pl.) the five parvans q. v.; they are चतुर्दश्यष्टमी चैव अमावास्या च पूर्णिमा । पर्वाण्येतानि राजेन्द्र रविसंक्रान्तिरेव च ॥ a. five-knotted (an arrow).
    -पल्लवम् The leaves of the mango, fig, banyan, ficus religiosa (Mar. पिंपळ) and Genus Ficus (Mar. पायरी). There are other variations such as पनस, आम्र, पिप्पल, वट and बकुल. The first group is for the Vedic ritual only.
    -पात्रम् 1 five vessels taken collectively.
    -2 a Srāddha in which offerings are made in five vessels.
    -पाद् a. consisting of five feet, steps, or parts; पञ्चपादं पितरम् Praśna Up.1.11. (-m.) a year (संवत्सर).
    -पादिका N. of a commentary on शारीरकभाष्य.
    -पितृ m. (pl.) the five fathers:-- जनकश्चोपनेता च यश्च कन्यां प्रयच्छति । अन्नदाता भयत्राता पञ्चैते पितरः स्मृताः ॥
    -पित्तम् the bile of five ani- mals viz. (the boar, goat, buffalo, fish and peacock).
    -प्रस्थ a. having five elevations (a forest).
    -प्राणाः m. (pl.) the five life-winds or vital airs: प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, and समान.
    -प्रासादः a temple of a particular size with four pinnacles and a steeple.
    -बन्ध a fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen.
    -बलाः five medicinal herbs, namely बला, नागबला, महाबला, अति- बला and राजबला.
    -बाणः, -वाणः, -शरः epithets of the god of love; see पञ्चेषु.
    -बाहुः N. of Śiva.
    -बिन्दुप्रसृतम् N. of a particular movement in dancing; Dk.2.
    -बीजानि the five seeds:--कर्कटी, त्रपुस, दाडिम, पद्मबीज, and वानरीबीज.
    -भद्र a.
    1 having five good qualities.
    -2 consisting of five good ingredients (as a sauce &c.).
    -3 having five auspicious marks (as a horse) in the chest, back, face and flanks.
    -4 vicious.
    -द्रः a kind of pavilion.
    -भागिन् m. the five deities of पञ्चमहा- यज्ञ; धर्मकामविहीनस्य चुक्रुधुः पञ्चभागिनः Bhāg.11.23.9.
    -भुज a. pentagonal.
    (-जः) 1 a pentagon; cf. पञ्चकोण.
    -2 N. of Gaṇeśa.
    -भूतम् the five elements; पृथ्वी, अप्, तेजस्, वायु and आकाश.
    -भृङ्गाः the five trees, viz. देवदाली (Mar. देवडंगरी), शमी, भङ्गा (Mar. भांग), निर्गुण्डी and तमालपत्र.
    -मकारम् the five essentials of the left-hand Tantra ritual of which the first letter is म; see पञ्चतत्त्व (2).
    -महापातकम् the five great sins; see महापातक Ms.11. 54.
    -महायज्ञाः m. (pl.) the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृ- यज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो बलिर्भौतो नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7. अहुतं च हुतं चैव तथा प्रहुतमेव च । ब्राह्मं हुतं प्राशितं च पञ्च यज्ञान् प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.73; see महायज्ञ.
    -मारः son of Baladeva; L. D. B.
    -माश(षि)क a. consisting of five Māṣas (as a fine &c.).
    -माष(षि)क a. amounting to five māṣas; गर्दभाजाविकानां तु दण्डः स्यात्पञ्चमाषिकः Ms.8.298.
    -मास्य a. happening every five months.
    -मुखः an arrow with five points; (for other senses see पञ्चानन.)
    -मुद्रा five gestures to be made in presenting offerings to an idol; viz आवाहनी, स्थापनी, संनिधापनी, संबोधनी and संमुखीकरणी; see मुद्रा.
    -मूत्रम् the urine of five female animals; the cow, goat, she-buffalo, sheep, and she-ass.).
    -मूलम् there are nine varieties of the pentad combinations of roots; लघुपञ्चमूल, बृहत्पञ्चमूल, शतावर्यादि, तृणपञ्चमूल, जीवकादिपञ्चमूल, पुनर्नवादिपञ्चमूल, गोक्षुरादि˚, वल्ली˚.
    -रत्नम् a collection of five gems; (they are variously enumerated: (1) नीलकं वज्रकं चेति पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । प्रवालं चेति विज्ञेयं पंचरत्नं मनीषिभिः ॥ (2) सुवर्णं रजतं मुक्ता राजावर्तं प्रवालकम् । रत्नपञ्चकमाख्यातम्...॥ (3) कनकं हीरकं नीलं पद्मरागश्च मौक्तिकम् । पञ्चरत्नमिदं प्रोक्त- मृषिभिः पूर्वदर्शिभिः ॥
    -2 the five most admired episodes of the Mahābhārata; गीता, विष्णुसहस्रनाम, भीष्मस्तवराज, अनुस्मृति and गजेन्द्रमोक्ष).
    -रसा the आमलकी tree (Mar. आंवळी).
    -रात्रम् 1 a period of five nights; इत्यर्थं वयमानीताः पञ्चरात्रो$पि विद्यते Pañch.3.24.
    -2 N. of one of Bhāsa's dramas.
    -3 N. of a philosophical treatise attributed to Nārada.
    -4 N. of an अहीन (sacrifice) lasting for 5 days; स एतं पञ्चरात्रं पुरुषमेधं यज्ञक्रतुमपश्यत् Śat. Br.; cf. Mb.12.218. 11.
    -राशिकम् the rule of five (in math.).
    -लक्षणम् a Purāṇa; so called because it deals with five important topics:-- सर्गश्च प्रतिसर्गश्च वंशो मन्वन्तराणि च । वंशानुचरितं चैव पुराणं पञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ see पुराण also.
    -लवणम् five kinds of salt; i. e. काचक, सैन्धव, सामुद्र, बिड and सौवर्चल.
    -लाङ्गलकम् a gift (महादान) of as much land as can be cultivated with five ploughs.
    -लोकपालः the five guardian deities viz. Vināyaka, Durgā, Vāyu, Ākāśa and Aśvinīkumāra.
    -लोहम् a metallic alloy containing five metals (i. e. copper, brass, tin, lead and iron).
    -लोहकम् the five metals i. e. gold, silver, copper, tin and lead.
    -वटः the sacred or sacrificial thread worn across the breast (यज्ञोपवीत).
    -वटी 1 the five fig-trees: i. e. अश्वत्थ, बिल्व, वट, धात्री and अशोक.
    -2 N. of a part of the Daṇḍakā forest where the Godāvarī rises and where Rāma dwelt for a considerable time with his beloved; it is two miles from Nasik; परिहरन्तमपि मामितः पञ्चवटीस्नेहो बलादाकर्षतीव U.2.27/28; R.13.34.
    -वर्गः 1 an aggregate of five.
    -2 the five essential elements of the body.
    -3 the five organs of sense; संतुष्टपञ्चवर्गो$हं लोकयात्रां प्रवाहये Rām.2.19.27.
    -4 the five daily sacrifices enjoined to be performed by a Brāhmaṇa; cf. महायज्ञ.
    -5 the five classes of spies (कापटिक, उदास्थित, गृहपतिव्यञ्जन, वैदेहिकव्यञ्जन and तापसव्यञ्जन); cf. Kull. on Ms.7.154.
    -वर्षदेशीय a. about five years old.
    -वर्षीय a. five years old.
    -वल्कलम् a collection of the barks of five kinds of trees; namely न्यग्रोध, उदुम्बर, अश्वत्थ, प्लक्ष and वेतस.
    -वल्लभा N. of Draupadī.
    -वार्षिक a. recurring every five years.
    -वाहिन् a. drawn by five (as a carriage).
    -विंश a. twenty-fifth.
    -शः 1 a Stoma consisting of 25 parts.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu (regarded as the 25th तत्त्व); स तु जन- परितापं तत्कृतं जानता ते नरहर उपनीतः पञ्चतां पञ्चविंश Bhāg. 7.8.53.
    -विंशतिः f. twenty-five.
    -विंशतिका a collection of twenty-five; as in वेतालपञ्चविंशतिका.
    -विध a. five- fold, of five kinds. ˚प्रकृतिः f. the five departments of a government; अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः Ms.7.157.
    -वीरगोष्ठम् an assembly room, concert-hall; रागमञ्जरी नाम पञ्चवीरगोष्ठे संगीतकमनुष्ठास्यति Dk.2.
    -वृत्, -वृतम् ind. five-fold.
    -वृत्तिता depending on senses; Rām.2.1.65.
    -शत a. amounting to five hundred.
    (-तम्) 1 one hundred and five.
    -2 five hundred.
    -शाखः 1 the hand; स्वशिरः पश्चशाखाभ्यामभिहत्यायतेक्षणा Mb.11.17.3; कदापि नो मुञ्चति पञ्चशाखः (नारायणस्य) Rām. Ch.1.9; स्फूर्जद्रत्नाङ्गुलीयद्युतिशबलनखद्योतिभिः पञ्चशाखैः Śiva B.3.49.
    -2 an elephant.
    -शारदीयः N. of a Yāga.
    -शिखः a lion.
    -शीलम् the five rules of conduct; Buddh.
    -शुक्लम् The holy combination of five days, viz. Uttarāyaṇa (day of the gods), the bright half of the month (day of the manes) and day time, हरिवासर and सिद्धक्षेत्र (cf. त्रिशुक्लम्).
    - a. (pl.) five or six; सन्त्यन्ये$पि बृहस्पतिप्रभृतयः संभाविताः पञ्चषाः Bh.2.34.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-fifth.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-five.
    -सटः one with five tufts of hair on the head (सटाः जटाः केशसन्निवेशे मध्ये मध्ये पञ्चसु स्थानेषु क्षौरवद्वापनम्); दासो$यं मुच्यतां राज्ञस्त्वया पञ्चसटः कृतः Mb.3.272.18; (Mar. पांच पाट काढणें).
    -सप्तत a. seventy-fifth.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-five.
    -सस्यम् the five grains viz. धान्य, मुद्ग, तिल, यव and माष.
    -सिद्धान्ती f. the five astronomical doctrines from astronomical book like सूर्यसिद्धान्त etc.
    -सिद्धौषधयः the five medi- cinal plants:-- तैलकन्द, सुधाकन्द, क्रोडकन्द, रुदन्तिक, सर्पाक्षी.
    -सुगन्धकम् the five kinds of aromatic vegetable sub- stances; they are:-- कर्पूरकक्कोललवङ्गपुष्पगुवाकजातीफलपञ्चकेन । समांशभागेन च योजितेन मनोहरं पञ्चसुगन्धकं स्यात् ॥.
    -सूनाः f. the five things in a house by which animal life may be accidentally destroyed; they are:-- पञ्चसूना गृहस्थस्य चुल्ली पेषण्युपस्करः कण्डनी चोदकुम्भश्च Ms.3.68.
    -सूरणाः the five medicinal esculent roots; sweet and bitter सूरण, अत्यम्ल- पर्णी, काण्डीर, मालाकन्द. &c.
    -स्रोतम् n. the mind; पञ्चस्रोतसि निष्णातः Mb.12.218.11. (com. पञ्चस्त्रोतांसि विषयकेदारप्रणालिका यस्य तस्मिन् मनसि).
    -हायन a. five years old.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चन् _pañcan

  • 20 старый

    ста́рый парк — old park

    ста́рая привы́чка — old tradition

    ста́рая дру́жба — old friendship

    ста́рая маши́на — old car

    ста́рые часы́ — old clock

    4) ( древний) ancient ['eɪn-]

    ста́рая бро́нза — old / ancient bronze

    ста́рая моне́та — old coin

    ста́рый про́пуск — invalid pass

    6) ( не современный) outdated, old
    7) с. как сущ. the old, the past

    принима́ться за ста́рое — fall back into one's old ways

    кто ста́рое помя́нет, тому́ глаз вон посл. — ≈ let bygones be bygones

    8) мн. как сущ. ( старики) the old

    ста́рые и ма́лые — the young and the old


    ста́рый друг лу́чше но́вых двух посл.an old friend is worth two new ones

    ста́рый стиль — old style ( Julian calendar)

    по ста́рой па́мяти — ≈ for old times' sake; ( по привычке) by force of habit

    ста́рая де́ва — old maid, spinster

    ста́рая ве́ра церк.Old Belief

    Ста́рый свет — the Old World

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > старый

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